Fire Safety Checks
We recently had a visit from West Yorkshire Fire Service to train some of the Equality Together staff on their new referral system. They are anxious to get in touch with as many people as possible that they think are in their “at risk” groups. Many of these are disabled and so more at risk of fire, so they want to help reduce that risk as much as possible.
The way they can help is in fitting working smoke detectors, vibrating smoke detectors for those with a hearing loss, expert advice and measures to keep your house safer depending on your circumstances.
The people they want to talk to are:
- those who a struggle to get around,
- those with sensory loss,
- those whose medication or illness makes them drowsy or sleep heavier,
- those on oxygen therapies,
- those with alcohol or substance misuse issues
- those with mental health disorders
- those who don’t smoke safely and
- those who have a lot of things in their houses
If you fit into one of those categories, are worried about fire safety in your house or you don’t have working fire alarms you can either ring the Fire Service direct on 0800 5874536 or contact Equality Together on and one of our Information Team will refer you on for a fire safety check.